Corruption and Rule of Law in Venezuela

The 2015 Index of Freedom has ranked Latin American countries and other countries associated with the region based on rule of law, limited government, regulatory efficiency, and open markets. Under these categories, Venezuela is ranked number 28 of the 29 countries listed in the region, with Cuba being number 29. The 2015 Index of Freedom scored Venezuela with a 20 for Rule of Law, making in a country for the potential to have a lot of corruption. Additionally, Venezuela is ranked in the top 20 of most corrupt countries in the world according to Transparency International. The explanation for this is that Venezuela has always has always been very characteristic of a strong centralized executive—especially under the rule of Chávez. The judiciary is considered to be not functional, because it is said to be completely under the control of the executive.

Many of the protests that have taken place throughout the past few years can be attributed to the corruption that is rampant in the country. These protests have risen from economic issues but also the corruption in Venezuela from lack of transparency and government bribes. Earlier this year, Caracas Mayor Antonio Ledezma was arrested by armed federal intelligence agents after Ledezma accused Maduro of unspecified crimes against the country. Due to the power of the executive, there was no evidence presented or any proper investigation for Maduro.

In the past few years, there has been an increase in efforts against corruption. Venezuela is a signatory of the UN Convention Against Corruption, the UN Convention Against Transnational Organized Crime, and the OAS Inter-American Convention Against Corruption. Although this is the case, there are no real efforts by the executive to combat corruption and the issues associated. It is possible that under Maduro’s administration, there may be some changes in the levels of corruption unless Maduro continues to follow the example of late president Chávez.


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